
Proper Skincare is Like Proper Care Maintenance
23rd November 2021
Let’s discover the importance of good skincare and how that is comparable to good car maintenance. How do old, classic cars age well, and what has that good to do with good car maintenance? Find out!

Will You Help Us?
12th April 2021
Do you want to have that warm fuzzy feeling from helping a small business? Well of course you do! Learn how you can support this small business.

Tired After Work?
28th March 2021
Our first every attempt at a poem based on being tired after work.

Running a Business as a Mum
10th March 2021
I talk about my journey of starting Bluish Pink during the COVID pandemic and how I manage running a business whilst taking care of my 6-year-old angel.

Are All Soaps Antibacterial?
23rd November 2020
We investigate if all soaps are antibacterial and if there is real reason to buy or to avoid antibacterial soap over regular soap.

25 Reasons to Use Handmade Soap
13th November 2020
Are you nervous about using handmade products? What of buying handmade soap when there are other cheaper alternatives? Let’s help you find out.

Soap vs Shower Gel vs Body Wash
4th November 2020
With so many cosmetic products available it is easy to get lost in the world of lotions and potions. We explore the differences between soap, shower gel and body wash and discuss what is best for your skin.

The Zero Waste Soap Company
21th October 2020
To meet high demands and standards, companies wasting products is not unheard off. Learn a bit about our ethos and how we at Bluish Pink handle our wastage.

Do Soaps Kill Coronavirus?
14th October 2020
Given the current worldwide situation with the coronavirus pandemic, it is important that we work together to protect ourselves and those who are around us. To help you in order to do so, we explore how effective soaps are at killing coronavirus.

Are Bar Soaps More Environmentally Friendly than Liquid Soaps?
5th October 2020
The importance of being environmentally friendly is becoming more and more apparent as time goes on. Recycling and turning off electrical appliances are just two ways we can be more eco-friendly. But, what about the products we use? Specifically, are bar soaps more eco-friendly than liquid soaps?